Thursday, December 17, 2009

Your 2010 New Year Resolution

You don't need to live a life controlled and manipulated by religion. You don't need to:
  1. Feel a sense of guilt because you believe in original sin
  2. Be frightened of eternal damnation
  3. Have your fertility controlled by a church
  4. Fear punishment because you don't believe religious fairy tales
  5. Cover your face and body so that nobody can see the real you
  6. Face punishment or death because you talked to men or had an "improper" liaison
  7. Believe religious myth because others do (you aren't a sheep are you?)
  8. Do anything else you don't want to to follow some man-made doctrine passed off as divine
  9. Brain wash your children into following a religion (a type of child abuse(

You can live a good, happy life without religion. Religion is a cause of much evil and unnecessary suffering in the world and has been for thousands of years.

Make 2010 the year you free your life of religion and live the life you should. Join the increasing band of people who have seen the light.

Dark Horse