In one of the most gutless backdowns I have ever seen by the Australian Government, 78 Tamil malcontents from Sri Lank will be granted permanent residence visas.
This makes me incredibly angry. The government has betrayed the Australian people. Those of us who pay taxes to support immigrants and hundreds of thousands of other people who rely on the welfare system. We, who vote for governments we think will carry out our wishes.
What kind of government allows a group of people to hold it to ransom? A spineless government ... the Australian Labor Government.
The 78 Tamils have lived in Indonesia for months. They paid up to $15,000 USD for a boat trip to Australia so they could enter our country illegally. When the boat sank, the Australian Government's Customs vessel "Oceanic Viking" rescued them at great expense to the Australian taxpayers. After being decent enough to rescue them, they then refused to leave the vessel and return to Indonesia. We fed them and provided medical attention for the past four weeks and rather than force them off (which would have made the government look bad), or take them back to Sri Lanka, where their own Prime Minister said they are economic refugees, not asylum seekers, the Labor Government will give them permanent residence visas.
They'll receive Centrelink benefits, Medicare Card, and assistance we don't even give our own people, many of whom will have paid tax for decades. Some of whom are pensioners struggling to get by from week to week.
The Australian Government stinks. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd stinks. Gutless. Spineless.
We need to win back our country. We need Referenda to determine some of the critical issues facing Australian society. Such as:
- Whether we should ban muslim immigration and try to offload those muslims who are already here (pay them to leave)
- The need for a Human Rights Act
- Whether we should cease our alignment with the United Nations Convention on Refugees
- Means testing of all government benefits, especially those given to descendants of the First Australians
Please write to your local Member of Parliament (check the phone book) and object to the backdown by government in relation to the Sri Lankan illegal immigrants.
The longer we fail to do something, the worse it will get.