Thursday, December 17, 2009

Your 2010 New Year Resolution

You don't need to live a life controlled and manipulated by religion. You don't need to:
  1. Feel a sense of guilt because you believe in original sin
  2. Be frightened of eternal damnation
  3. Have your fertility controlled by a church
  4. Fear punishment because you don't believe religious fairy tales
  5. Cover your face and body so that nobody can see the real you
  6. Face punishment or death because you talked to men or had an "improper" liaison
  7. Believe religious myth because others do (you aren't a sheep are you?)
  8. Do anything else you don't want to to follow some man-made doctrine passed off as divine
  9. Brain wash your children into following a religion (a type of child abuse(

You can live a good, happy life without religion. Religion is a cause of much evil and unnecessary suffering in the world and has been for thousands of years.

Make 2010 the year you free your life of religion and live the life you should. Join the increasing band of people who have seen the light.

Dark Horse

Friday, November 13, 2009

Government Buckles To Tamil Refugees' Demands

In one of the most gutless backdowns I have ever seen by the Australian Government, 78 Tamil malcontents from Sri Lank will be granted permanent residence visas.

This makes me incredibly angry. The government has betrayed the Australian people. Those of us who pay taxes to support immigrants and hundreds of thousands of other people who rely on the welfare system. We, who vote for governments we think will carry out our wishes.

What kind of government allows a group of people to hold it to ransom? A spineless government ... the Australian Labor Government.

The 78 Tamils have lived in Indonesia for months. They paid up to $15,000 USD for a boat trip to Australia so they could enter our country illegally. When the boat sank, the Australian Government's Customs vessel "Oceanic Viking" rescued them at great expense to the Australian taxpayers. After being decent enough to rescue them, they then refused to leave the vessel and return to Indonesia. We fed them and provided medical attention for the past four weeks and rather than force them off (which would have made the government look bad), or take them back to Sri Lanka, where their own Prime Minister said they are economic refugees, not asylum seekers, the Labor Government will give them permanent residence visas.

They'll receive Centrelink benefits, Medicare Card, and assistance we don't even give our own people, many of whom will have paid tax for decades. Some of whom are pensioners struggling to get by from week to week.

The Australian Government stinks. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd stinks. Gutless. Spineless.

We need to win back our country. We need Referenda to determine some of the critical issues facing Australian society. Such as:

  1. Whether we should ban muslim immigration and try to offload those muslims who are already here (pay them to leave)
  2. The need for a Human Rights Act
  3. Whether we should cease our alignment with the United Nations Convention on Refugees
  4. Means testing of all government benefits, especially those given to descendants of the First Australians
Please write to your local Member of Parliament (check the phone book) and object to the backdown by government in relation to the Sri Lankan illegal immigrants.

The longer we fail to do something, the worse it will get.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Plan to Deal With Illegal Refugees

The idea of a multicultural Australia is one that few Australians accept. We accept immigrants, but we want them to become part of us ... to become Australians.

We don't mind if they start up a Chinese Restaurant or build a Greek Club so they can remember their homeland. Provided they integrate, learn our language and at least make an effort to fit in, we will accept them.

Our history of immigration is evidence of this.
It's probably true to say that most Australians (that is Australian born people) don't want dozens of people sailing in from overseas in old boats. Our illegal immigration policy has been a shambles. We need a new approach to dealing with illegal refugees.

One approach would be to establish Refugee Processing Offices in the countries from which most of our refugees are now coming. Instead of having to save up $15,000 to pay some Indonesian for a trip across the Indian Ocean in an endeavour to reach our mainland, they could lodge their applications at one of our Refugee Offices, completely free of charge.

This would demonstrate our generosity, humanity and willingness to grasp cultural and language diverse peoples.

Muslims, criminals and anyone found undesirable for political or other reasons would be prohibited entry and have their application refused. Economic refugees would also be refused. Having an office in the countries of refugees' origins it would be easier to check such things as birth certificate, whether they were generally victimised and so on. Medical examinations could be carried out to ensure no unwanted diseases eg, tuberculosis, weren't imported to Australia.

Those who passed the test for genuine refugee, could be paid to fly to Australia, given a Medicare card, a cheap government apartment, set up with Centrelink payments for life, and spend the rest of their days living at tax-payer expense.

They would be so grateful, that as soon as they were eligible, they could be signed up as members of the Labor Party and have a real opportunity of getting a cushy job as a politician in an ethnic electorate, representing the diversity of thier electorate.

Eventually, when enough of them got into politics, they could use the great democratic system to change laws to allow millions of uneducated, poor, refugees into the country thus showing everyone what a great country we have.

As the rivers died off, the productivity of farms and orchards decreased and people began to become hungry, thirsty and felt victimised, they could get into boats and travel back to countries from which they came which now have new people, fresh crops, a sound government and democratic systems since they had time to replenish and redevelop without all the dead wood being there.

This is what is called the cycle of life.

If you believe Australia should have offices in high refugee intake countries, write to your local member today and request it. You never know, you could finish up in a seaside office with your computer drinking pina colados and processing the odd refugee application.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Who Owns the Land?

I've never been a communist or a socialist, although some of my ideas certainly border on socialism and not my usual right-wing self. One such idea is that about land ownership. I believe that ALL land should belong to the State.

Now that's a brave comment.

In my scheme, instead of someone buying a block of land for their house or business and paying for it, they'd simply get a 99 year lease (or some other period lease) from the government agency controlling land development. The government would charge a nominal rental fee annually to contribute to national taxation.

If the tennant of the land built something on it or otherwise improved it, the ability to transfer the lease would exist, but it would be a government-authorised transaction. Perhaps a slightly higher rental fee would be charged for improvements.

Land acquisition would be on a first-come-first-served basis.

The State (or governments in this sense) has perpetuity, whereas you and I die. It seems to me that it would be more sensible to have an enduring entity in charge of all the land in a country rather than have a false economy built on supply and demand of something that noone can really own.

What do you think?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Australian Human Rights Bill

There is a minority of people who believe Australia should have a Human Rights Bill. We don't. Australia has a plethora of acts of Parliament that provide for our rights and in some cases, our responsibilities.

Every time the Australian Government enacts social engineering legislation, it shoots itself in the foot. For example, the Native Title Act and the Aboriginal Land Rights Act have resulted in the lock out of millions of hectares of land that cannot now be used for housing development. In many places, house prices and rents have gone through the roof because there is no land available for development.

As a result of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act, the Australian Government has purchased dozens of functional, profit-generating cattle stations and turned them over to indigenous groups. In nearly all cases, the cattle died through neglect and the land now lies unused and unprofitable with the inhabitants still a drain on the welfare system.

You can bet your life that if we introduce an unwanted Human Rights Bill, there will be unforseen negative consequences.

At the end of the day, the only rights any of us have are those our society wishes to allow us. Australians live in a free, democratic society and there are many other things we could focus our attention on than an unnecessary Bill of Rights.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Not a Racial Riot, a Religious Riot

According to an article in titled, "Facebook Used to Organise Riot - Police":

"A RIOT by Muslim youths in the western Sydney suburb of Auburn last week was organised via Facebook, police believe.

The troublemakers used the social networking site to flash up inflammatory references to police and rally their friends for a confrontation.

One update identified police as "non-believers" who were raiding a "brother's home".

More than 150 people gathered in Cumberland Road, Auburn, on Tuesday night, forcing police to call in 100 officers, the riot squad and a helicopter.

The tense stand-off came after Middle Eastern organised crime squad police raided four homes."

The idea that this riot was racially based is a ruse to downplay the fact that muslims were at its centre. Most Arabs are Caucasians like most Australians. They have darker skin, usually brown eyes and black hair, but they are never the less, Caucasian.

This was a religious-based riot. Muslims against everyone else. They are a group that doesn't readily tolerate anyone whose views are different.

Their views are almost totally different from those of us who are real Australians. There is evidence all over the world that muslims are intolerant of non-muslims.

The question I have to ask again is why are we letting them immigrate to Australia? We know that these people create problems wherever they go. In the same way that they are now creating problems in Australia. We don't need them. The more we allow into the country, the more frequently our problems will occur and eventually they will resort to armed insurrection to establish an Islamic State within Australia.

I do not hate these people and I would do nothing intentionally to hurt them. In fact I have several good friends who are muslims. However, I believe they should move to an Islamic Utopia like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or some other place where their values and religion will provide what they need.

They are not wanted and not needed in Australia. Write to your local member and ask that muslims be banned from permanent immigration to Australia. If you don't, we will all live to regret it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yet Another Indigenous Government Agency!

Ho hum. Here we go again. Yet more taxpayers money is to be squandered setting up a 128 black person organisation to advise the government how to spend money on the 300,000 odd people who identify as being black. (Some are more white than black, but they still get handouts).

There has been a plethora of government agencies set up to service a small minority within the Australian community. The last, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission was deemed to be a failure because it had board members who had been convicted or accused of criminal activities and it was full of nepotism.
As I've said before; as long as we keep telling everyone that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are different, special and disadvantaged, nothing will change. Governments need to forget all this special advisory group bullshit and begin treating all Australians equally.
The Australian Government and the State and Territory Governments are racist governments because they provide special programs to a group of people in Australia based on their race. It's not doing them or anyone else one iota of good.
If you want to read more about this please read the article in The Australian.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Waste by Australian Government

While the rest of the world is busting its butt to learn English, the language of science, education, business etc, the Australian Government has announced it will squander $9.3 (AUD) million helping retain languages spoken by a handful of people in Australia.

According to the report in the Australian Labor Party's web site:

The Government's new approach to preserving Indigenous language comes as a report found that of the 145 Indigenous languages still spoken in Australia, 110 are at risk of disappearing.

The National Indigenous Languages Survey Report 2005, revealed that the languages under threat are now spoken by only small groups of people, mostly over 40 years old and are at risk of being lost.

How does this expenditure make sense? There are many old languages that have disappeared and nobody cares because we have alternative languages ... like English, which is the National language in Australia. For heaven's sake, even the archaic Roman Catholic church gave Latin the flick decades ago.

When there are hospital queues that a gazelle couldn't jump over, shortages of renal dialysis equipment, research funds for science and medicine have dropped off, our schools and police systems need a boost, how the hell can the idiots in government waste $9.3 million on languages that will do nobody any good?

It just never gets any better.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Atheism is "In", Religion is "Out"!

Did you know that there are increasing numbers of atheists in all countries? Buddhists by definition, of course, are atheists ie, they don't believe in God. In many muslim countries there is a death penalty for apostasy ... denying religion, so while there are many atheists in those countries, they don't dare admit it. (These muslims are forced to follow Islam under penalty of death ... so much for an ultruistic God).

Richard Dawkins, one of the world's free thinkers is leading a campaign to get atheists to be more proactive in announcing their rejection of religion and the concept of God.

The campaign is called the "Out Campaign" and you can read Dawkins' introduction here.

I have a friend, a scientist, who reminded me that while the scourge of religion has resulted in millions of deaths throughout human history, atheism has not.

It's true, you don't hear of atheists firing rockets from one country to another, or of taking out people as they suicide bomb.

Religion is one of the most evil forces devised by humankind. It's true, some good has been done in the name of religion. There also have been some beautiful works of art, architecture and music, but the damage religion has done far outweighs the good.

I feel that the worst aspects of religion are that it stifles human intellect, creates the belief of personal guilt, suppresses women (and men), and only serves the interests of those people who benefit from it.

The unthinking millions who blindly follow this or that religion perpetuate myths that have never been and connot be substantiated. If you believe in original sin, virgin birth, miracles, that a God sits on a throne listening to the prayers of six million people, dispenses justice and ultimately judges us for being born human, you are deluded. It's time for a wake up call!

I don't really care what you believe. You can believe in the Tooth Fairy if you wish, but I do ask you to consider your belief and how damaging religion is to humanity and the planet. Perhaps with some solid research, discovery and introspection, you will find the truth. I hope so, for the good of all of humanity.

The sooner we get rid of religion, the sooner we can go forward in peace and harmony.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Great Central Australian Grog Debate

At Alice Springs in Central Australia there has been an ongoing Grog War between those who would be happy to have a total ban on alcoholic drinks and those who want freedom to drink as they choose.

The Territory, having a hot climate and being a place where the "Wild West" attitude has prevailed for decades, is a place where huge quantities of alcoholic beverages are guzzled. It's often said by do-gooders, bleeding-hearts, lesbian activists, medical people, and others that we drink too much. Someone in his/her wisdom decided that a specific quantity of alcohol is too much and that nobody should drink more than that. While there is no doubt a level of imbibing that is inadvisable, it's up to individuals to decide what is too much for them ... or too little for that matter. In the same way that it's up to individuals to decide how much they eat or fart, it's nobody else's business how much they drink.

The problem is, many of the people who choose to drink too much, are black; First Australians. Instead of getting pissed and going home to sleep it off like most other Australians, they hang around the Central Business District destroying property, fighting, urinating, defecating and vomiting on streets, leaving rubbish everywhere, and annoying the hell out of the rest of us. It's certainly not much good for tourism either. I can see it now: "Discounted Fares: Travel to lovely Outback Australia and see an intoxicated, fat, filthy, black woman shitting in the street".

No, it just doesn't help.

So, the solution, over many years now has been to manipulate the times of the day when you can access alcohol, the types available and the quantities in which it is available. This it seems is preferable to tackling the problem because it's politically incorrect to deal toughly with blacks, a protected species in Australia.

Nothing has worked. When you change the quantity of wine people can buy, heavy drinkers who want to get pissed simply change to fortified wines like port or begin buying spirits. Change the location or have a grog free day and the drinkers simply have the booze shipped in from somewhere along the track.

What exacerbates this whole fiasco is that possession of alcohol on the dozens of black communities in the Territory is outlawed. This means that none has an opportunity to develop sensible drinking habits (perhaps by having canteens open three or four hours per day with no take-aways) and they simply move into town making the lives of those of us who live here less pleasant.

Governments need to tackle the problem; remove the cause from the problem or the problem from the cause.

If it's possible to use racially discriminatory policies and laws to benefit blacks by given them special schools, welfare, free housing, free medical, dental, and much more, why can't the government simply pass a law that makes it illegal for blacks to drink and anyone to sell them alcoholic beverages? Wouldn't that be good for them in the same way that giving them welfare and everything else free is to thier benefit?

How long must the rest of us be inconvenienced by restricted trading hours, volume purchasing restraints, having to produce ID when buying alcohol and so on?

When will the government do something to the people causing the problem rather than to those of us who drink sensibly? Until they have the gumption to tackle the real problem, we'll still be discussing this in 20 years from now.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Indigenous Affairs an Absolute Mess

Every year, more money is pumped into the indigenous industry. There are more fora, meetings, committees and focus groups set up to resolve the unresolveable. Token Aborigines are put in jobs for which they are ill-prepared, under-skilled and under-qualified and doomed to failure by those who feel guilty that most Aborigines are at the bottom of the heap. Oh, and of course, there are statistical targets to meet: Equal Opportunity targets.

As government funding in one program promotes reconciliation between Aborigines and the rest of the Australian community, other government funding is spent to set up special birthing units, special schools, special medical facilities, special this and special that. A system of apartheid that is hardly conducive to reconciliation.

White Aborigines, many very comfortably off thanks to their western upbringing and claimed Aboriginality, are able to access free education, Abstudy assistance for their kids, free influenza shots, subsidised child-care, housing assistance and much more because they are from a "disadvantaged" group. Other Australians who see this are rightly resentful that people who don't need help are receiving it ... at the taxpayers' expense.

While the thousands of medical staffs, teachers, social workers, police officers, volunteer do-gooders, government departments, and numerous others bend over backwards to help the indigenous pull themselves up out of the cesspool to a better, healthier life, they sit on their fat bums doing nothing to help themselves. They have more opportunities at education, employment, dental and medical care than any other group in Australian society, but still they are statistically represented at high levels in all the bad statistics; infant mortality, early deaths, alcoholism, diabetes, kidney failure, swine fever, sexually transmitted infections and anything else you can think of.

By doing everything for them, we have taken away their desire to do anything for themselves.

We are, in part, guilty for the state they find themselves in.

If we keep doing the things we have been doing, we'll get the same results we have been getting ... none.

What is needed is for Australia's government policies to be changed so that we, as a society, help everyone in genuine need and forget about whether someone is Aboriginal or not. That will release a lot of funding now seeping into well-heeled white people who meet the definition for aboriginality.

Funding for special programs like reconciliation need to be redirected into health, education, and community development. People in communities need to be allowed to drink socially as are people in all other communities in Australia.

We must make people work to earn money, kids go to school and by forging these people into citizens like the rest of us drag them out of the quagmire.

Three questions to finish with: How is it that black people from African countries who have been through so much horror, starvation, disease, genocide etc can come to Australia and within weeks or months find jobs? How is it that they can support themselves, keep themselves clean and contribute to the community when our own black people can't? Why is it that people who claim to have lived on the land for 40-60 thousand years now need houses at great expense to the Australian taxpayers?

Are First Australians the least capable of the human races?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is Australia a Racist Country?

I've been asked this question several times while overseas and today when departed Telstra CEO Sol Trujillo accused Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of being racist, I decided to explain it the way I see it and encourage others to join the debate.

Unfortunately, the cry, "racist" has become hackneyed and is now used for anything that has to do with immigrants, Australian aborigines and frequently (and incorrectly), issues relating to different cultural or religious groups. Where I live indigenes describe anything that doesn't suit them as being racist (against them), but never call the racially positive programs (for them) racist. There's a lot of contradictions.

When someone asks me if I am a racist or if Australians are racist, I always ask what is their definition of racism. Here's what The MacQuarie Dictionary says:

  1. "The belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate the others.
  2. Offensive or aggressive behaviour to members of another race stemming from such a belief
  3. A policy or system of government and society based on race"
Here's my answer. By definition I AM a racist because I believe that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures. (See endnote)

Do I believe that my Caucasian race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others? Definitely not. That each of the races is different is an undeniable fact.

Would I be offensive or aggressive to members of another race? Definitely not. I believe in the worth and right to dignity of every living thing.

Do I believe Australia is a racist country? Yes, with qualification.

Australian has policies and a system of government and society based on race. To make it sweet, governments have passed legislation to say their policies and system of government are NOT racist. That doesn't change the facts that they are, it simply protects them from prosecution. Australia remains a country that is racist.

Now for the people.

I believe with all my heart that most Australians have a similar perspective to mine. What is often misconstrued as racism is actually disagreement with such government policy as the refugee policy; allowing people to immigrate here and then sit around on welfare; whining by religious groups for rights that aren't congruent with Australian society eg, like implementation of Sharia Law, people who want to take from Australia but not contribute, and other peripheral matters. Australians will accept anyone who makes an effort to integrate, doesn't try to change our culture, values etc to suit them, and who contributes. There are millions of immigrants here today who can attest to that.

Endnote: There are five identified races:
  1. Caucasoid
  2. Negroid
  3. Capoid
  4. Mongolian
  5. Australoid

Some races have people with different coloured skin or slightly different features. For example, Indians are generally part of the Caucasoid group which also has people with stark white skin.

Are you a racist? What race are you? Want to share your views? Please do.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Introducing Wake Up Australia!

On the eve when Australian news media are full of reports about Middle Eastern people attempting to illegally enter Australia on some cock-and-bull story about being refugees, Australians need a Wake Up call.

This blog has these intentions:

  1. To get the Australian Government to revoke its agreement to the United Nations Declaration Regarding the Rights of Refugees and UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief
  2. To critically discuss other issues affecting Australian society

The first point covers issues that cause the Australian Government to have lost control of illegal immigrants (boat people) and to be unable to restrict immigration to people whose religion and values are incompatible with ours.

There are good reasons why Australia should prevent further muslim immigration and the second Declaration removes the power for the Australian Government to do that.

In effect, we have lost control of our own country and our right to make decisions suitable for the national good of Australia.

But don't be misled, this blog is NOT intended to be an anti-race, ethnic or religion rant, nor is it intended to incite violence or hatred against anyone or to break any laws relating to discrimination etc. It is intended to elicit thouthful debate about the key issues affecting and likely to affect Australia in the next 30 years so that we can lobby politicians and others to run the country the way we, the voters, want.

Thoughtful commentary, with supporting evidence is preferred.

Anyone is welcome to post, but posts that are offensive (as opposed to critical comment) or which the blog owner believes are unsuitable, will be deleted.

Are you willing to help Save Australia?
