Saturday, August 8, 2009

Atheism is "In", Religion is "Out"!

Did you know that there are increasing numbers of atheists in all countries? Buddhists by definition, of course, are atheists ie, they don't believe in God. In many muslim countries there is a death penalty for apostasy ... denying religion, so while there are many atheists in those countries, they don't dare admit it. (These muslims are forced to follow Islam under penalty of death ... so much for an ultruistic God).

Richard Dawkins, one of the world's free thinkers is leading a campaign to get atheists to be more proactive in announcing their rejection of religion and the concept of God.

The campaign is called the "Out Campaign" and you can read Dawkins' introduction here.

I have a friend, a scientist, who reminded me that while the scourge of religion has resulted in millions of deaths throughout human history, atheism has not.

It's true, you don't hear of atheists firing rockets from one country to another, or of taking out people as they suicide bomb.

Religion is one of the most evil forces devised by humankind. It's true, some good has been done in the name of religion. There also have been some beautiful works of art, architecture and music, but the damage religion has done far outweighs the good.

I feel that the worst aspects of religion are that it stifles human intellect, creates the belief of personal guilt, suppresses women (and men), and only serves the interests of those people who benefit from it.

The unthinking millions who blindly follow this or that religion perpetuate myths that have never been and connot be substantiated. If you believe in original sin, virgin birth, miracles, that a God sits on a throne listening to the prayers of six million people, dispenses justice and ultimately judges us for being born human, you are deluded. It's time for a wake up call!

I don't really care what you believe. You can believe in the Tooth Fairy if you wish, but I do ask you to consider your belief and how damaging religion is to humanity and the planet. Perhaps with some solid research, discovery and introspection, you will find the truth. I hope so, for the good of all of humanity.

The sooner we get rid of religion, the sooner we can go forward in peace and harmony.

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