Today the AHRC, an Australian Government agency, launched it's National Anti-Racism Strategy that will no doubt chew up millions of taxpayers money under control of a government that has racked up a deficit of staggering proportions.
After decades of governments imposing a multicultural society upon us, without our permission and thereby generating racial separation and division, they are now desperately trying to remediate the problems they have caused.
Until Muslims began immigrating to Australia from Lebanon in the Seventies, multiculturalism seemed to work reasonably well. Although enclaves sprung up with peoples from Greece, Lebanon, Asia etc, those immigrants integrated because we shared common values. Most Australians accepted and are accepting of the different races and ethnicities that have come to share this once great country with us.
Unfortunately, multiculturalism has also created increases in crime in some quarters and resentment in others and ill feelings towards some of the other races persists. I really don't know that it is as bad as some people suggest. I do know that I have been called a "white c*&t" on numerous occasions but I have never called anyone else by a racist name.
My view has always been that if a person is worthy of respect, I respect him/her. If people are not worthy of respect than I don't respect them, but I see no point in being nasty to them. I simply choose alternative company.
The term racism is so all-encompassing, it's probably true to say that we are all racist to some degree. Wouldn't you prefer to live in a street surrounded by people of your common race? I know I would. If I wanted to be surrounded by Somalis, I'd move to Somalia.
By definition, I am a racist. Would I hurt someone or treat them differently because they are of a different race? Definitely not.
What really galls me in the whole argument about racism and Australia is that the Australian Government and State and Territory Governments ALL have legislation and policies that are race based. They provide for a raft of services, grants and opportunities for people of Aboriginal race and exclude everyone else in Australia.
How can a government that perpetuates race-based legislation, policies and practices have the gall to implement a National Anti-Racism Strategy?
It beats me.
Dark Horse
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